Doubles Fun Bonspiel

"Just the 2 of Us" - One Day Open Doubles Fun Bonspiel

Bonspiel Details

Draw - A, B, C, D Events



The team with the ‘hammer’ or last stone advantage has the option which stones to position where.  Teams can decide to put their stone in the back four foot and the other team’s stone as the centre guard. If you choose this option, the opposition would deliver first in the end.  If you choose to put your stone as the guard, then you would deliver first.  For this bonspiel, the guard is placed on the house side of the center (2nd) in-ice marker.

Power Play Option

Once per game, each team, when they have the decision on the placement of the “positioned” stones, can use the “Power Play” option to position the stones.  The in-house stone, which belongs to the team with last stone in that end, is placed with the back edge of the stone abutting the front edge of the tee line, with half the stone in the 8-foot and half in the 12-foot circle.  The guard stone is positioned to the side of the sheet, so it would be bisected by a direct line between the middle of the in-house stone to the middle of the hack where the hack intersects with the centre line.

SOLD OUT - Registration closed